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Items - Dragon Warrior VII

This are the list of all Items in the game Dragon Warrior VII. In this list you'll find all the Items in the game along with their effects. If you're looking for the Armor, Items, Spells & Skills or Accessories, just follow one of the links below to their pages.


Dragon Warrior VII Lists
- Accessories
- Armors
- Items
- Spells & Skills
- Weapons


AGLseed: Raises one party-member's Agility, permanently.

AmitDonut: Restores some HP when used.

AmitSnack: Restores some HP when used.

Ancient Key: Opens locked doors in the Estard Ruins.

Ancient Scroll: An old book written in an old language. Bring this to the Crazy Old Man on the Cliff in Estard.

AngelTear: A potion said to be able to cure people who have been turned to stone.

Antidote: Cures poison from one party-member.

APR Award: This proves you are the best on the World Ranking Federation's Style Ranking.

AquaShard: A fragment of a part of the sealed lands in your world. Bring these to the blue pedestals in the Ancient Fane.

Bandit Key: Opens a locked door in the Bandit Lair.

BeefJerky: Once you have this, monsters can start going to the Monster Park.

Berserkr Heart: Bring this to Dharma Temple to join the Berserker monster class.

Black Key: Opens locked doors in the Evil Statue.

BlissRock: A rock said to be capable of helping people fly, and creating wind. It is stored inside of the Wind Fane, and can help you reach the Sky Fane.

BluePrint: A memo on monster habitats. Bring this to the Monster Guru.

Bombcrag Heart: Bring this to Dharma Temple to join the Bombcrag monster class.

Bottle: An empty bottle. Use this to get some rainbow water from the Rainbow Cove at the Ancient Fane.

BugPowder: Use this on an enemy to make them lose a turn.

Button: A round button found in present Engow, after you ask Pamela for some help.

Carpet: A flying carpet. At first, it proves to be a fake, but the real Carpet can fly over water, desert, and grass.

Clock Key: Opens the locked door of the Clock Tower.

Coastal Letter: A letter from the past King of Coastal, to the past Chief of Engow, asking for the PilotFire.

CursLamp Heart: Bring this to Dharma Temple to join the CurseLamp monster class.

Dark Ruby: One of the two gems used to convert the Sphinx into the Evil Statue.

DEFseed: Raises one party-member's Guard, permanently.

Dharma Key: Opens locked doors in Dharma Temple.

DragonEye: This gem can make stone dragons stop breathing fire.

DrakSlim Heart: Bring this to Dharma Temple to join the DrakSlime monster class.

DuneCharm: This charm shows you're a friend of the people of Dune.

Dung: No effect.

Elven Jar: This's a jar in the possession of the purple-haired girl near Krage's Sacred Tree.

Emily's Letter: A letter from Emily to Creyney, about Aimy.

Empress's Letter: A letter from the former Empress of Mardra, to the High Priest of the Great Fane.

EvilWell Heart: Bring this to Dharma Temple to join the EvilWell monster class.

EvlTurtl Heart: Bring this to Dharma Temple to join the EvlTurtle monster class.

Final Key: This key will open any jail doors you find.

FireShard: A fragment of a part of the sealed lands in your world. Bring these to the red pedestals in the Ancient Fane.

Fish Sub: Bring this to your father in Fishbel harbor.

FishPaste: Anchovy paste. Creamy and pastey, this's Prince Kiefer's favorite food.

Flame Key: Given to you by Pamela, this'll let you open the door in Mt. Flame leading to the Flame Spirit.

FlameAqua: Also given to you by Pamela, using this will help the Flame Spirit regain his strength.

Florajay Heart: Bring this to Dharma Temple to join the Florajay monster class.

Fossil: This's a fossil found at the Excavation Site.

Glim Moss: Harvested from the Halfling's Cave, this can help you see in the Great Lighthouse.

GoddesPic: A picture of a wounded Goddess, healing herself inside a sacred spring.

Graceherb: Raises one party-member's Appearance, permanently.

Green Orb: Found deep in the Colorstone Mine. Give this to Patrick so he can heal Hank.

Halo Orb: Given to you by the Pendragon of SkyTown, this item lets you go back and forth between the lower land and SkyTown.

Healer Heart: Bring this to Dharma Temple to join the Healer monster class.

Heart Gem: A gem recovered from the Sphinx. Will it help awaken the Terra Spirit. Unlike the others it's cracked.

Herb: Restores some HP when used.

HolyDew: Filled with dew from the Sacred Tree, it can | | | cure many ailments.

HolyWater: A gift from Hondara. Use this to put out the Flame of Darkness.

Hork Heart: Bring this to Dharma Temple to join the Hork monster class.

HotStone: A stone Hondara found. Use it on the statue in the Estard Ruins. Later, you'll find it's used to free the Great Hero Melvin.

ID Card: A gift from the present King of Coastal, and good for PuffPuffs at his casino. Do they improve your odds of winning. They don't feel | | | bad at least..

INT Award: This proves you are the best on the World Ranking Federation's Intelligence Ranking.

INTseed: Raises one party-member's Intelligence permanently.

Kiefer's Letter: A letter from your dear friend, Prince Kiefer.

King's Key: Handed down in the Royal Family of Dune, this will let you open the locked door in the Sphinx.

LandShard: A fragment of a part of the sealed lands in your world. Bring these to the yellow pedestals in the Ancient Fane.

LarMirror: A very special mirror. Using this will cancel a monster's Transformed status.

Legs: The lower third of the gold Goddess Statue.

LifeAcorn: Raises one party-member's Max HP, permanently.

LifeRock: This will save you from one successful instant death attack.

LightAqua: Found inside a magically locked chest in Mardra Castle, give this to the Staff Maker's assistant to get rewarded later.

Lipsy Heart: Bring this to Dharma Temple to join the Lipsy monster class.

LizrdMan Heart: Bring this to Dharma Temple to join the LizardMan monster class.

LostShard: A very special Shard. Put this in the chest under Estard, then come back after a reset to see what's happened.

Magic Key: This will open some chests that the Thief Key couldn't open.

MechParts: Some old parts to a MechSoldier. Use these to help repair Eri.

Mila Drug: Pamela's strongest potion. You can use this to save Pepe.

Mimic Heart: Bring this to Dharma Temple to join the Mimic monster class.

Monolith: Found buried in a junk pile, this tells the true story of Labres.

MoonHerb: Cures paralysis from one party-member.

MysticNut: Raises one party-member's Max MP, permanently.

Nose Gem: A gem recovered from the Sphinx. Will it help awaken the Terra Spirit.

Package: A gift from the Scholar, to the man at the Excavation Site.

Pearl Orb: A pearl retrieved from a well. Use it on the statue in the Estard Ruins.

PierceGem: A pair of broken gems that resemble ears. Will it help awaken the Terra Spirit.

PilotFire: A gift from the God of Fire to the people of Engow, this sacred flame can do great things.

PlatKing Heart: Bring this to Dharma Temple to join the PlatKing monster class.

Potion: Restores some MP when it is used.

Priest Key: Opens a locked chest and door in Mt. Prob Temple, in the present.

Priest's Letter: A letter from the High Priest, allowing you into the Magic Research Institute in Mardra, in the past, among other locations.

PurpleJar: Show this to Cherri as proof of Kaya's poisonings.

RainbwDew: A Bottle full of rainbow water from the Rainbow Cove at the Ancient Fane.

Repellent: Keeps weak enemies at bay.

Rib: Use this to help tame monsters for the Monster Park.

Rogue Gem: A gem recovered from the Sphinx. Will it help awaken the Terra Spirit.

Rose's Letter: A letter from Rose, the WRF Style Champion, to Modina, the WRF Style Judge.

SageRock: Use this in battle for a free HealUs spell, whenever you want it..

Saint's Armor: Some molded armor. Give this to the First Saint statue in the Saint's Room.

Saint's Helmet: A molded helmet. Give this to the Third Saint statue in the Saint's Room.

Saint's Shield: A molded shield. Give this to the Second Saint statue in the Saint's Room.

Saint's Sword: A molded sword. Give this to the Fourth Saint statue in the Saint's Room.

Seal Key: Given to you by the Pendragon of SkyTown, this lets you enter the Wind Maze.

Seer'sGem: A gem recovered from the Sphinx. Will it help awaken the Terra Spirit.

Slime Heart: Bring this to Dharma Temple to join the Slime monster class.

SpiderWeb: Use this on an enemy to confuse them.

StarShard: An ingrediant necessary to create Majustis, the counterspell to the Ultimate Magic.

STR Award: This proves you are the best on the World Ranking Federation's Power Ranking.

STRseed: Raises one party-member's Strength, permanently.

TerraTula: A musical instrument that's thought to help revive God.

Thief Key: This will open some chests that you couldn't open before.

Time Sand: Use this to start any battle from the beginning again, as often as you want.

TinyMedal: Rare little medals. Throw them at friends for fun. Trade them for prizes. Collect them all.

Torso: The middle third of the gold Goddess Statue.

Tower Key: Opens the front door of DarkDraco's Tower.

TyranBone: The skeletal head of the deceased Tyrannos.

Viva Grape: The Deja Tribe's special wine.

WarpWing: This will allow you to Return to other towns, one time only.

WindShard: A fragment of part of the sealed lands in your world. Bring these to the green pedestals in the Ancient Fane.

WondeRock: Use this in battle for a free Heal spell, whenever you want it.

Wood Doll: A gift from Matilda, which she got from her big brother. You can give this to Patrick at the Odd Forest once Rexwood is rescued.

WorldLeaf: Use this once to revive a party-member.

World Map: You'll find this useful item in the Fane Dome. Use this out on the World Map, to see a map of the world.

WorldDew: Use this to restore everyone's HP to full.

Wyvern Heart: Bring this to Dharma Temple to join the Wyvern monster class.

Shard: A mysterious Shard. What pedestal does this go on.



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