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Magic - Breath of Fire lV

This is the list of Magic from the game Breath of Fire lV. On this page, you'll find all the magic featured in the game, along with their respective effects. If you're looking for Accessories, Armors, Items, Skills and Weapons, simply click the links below to their pages instead.


Breath of Fire IV Lists
- Accessories
- Armors
- Items
- Magic
- Skills
- Weapons


Barrier: Boubles Magic Defense for 3 turns of combat.

Blizzard: Deals heavy water-based damage to all target.

Blunt: Lowers Attack Power of one target.

Confuse: Induces Confusion in one target.

Cyclone: Deals a moderate amount of wind damage to all targets.

Death: Sudden death versus one target.

Drain: Obsorb Hit Point from one enemy.

Enfeeble: Lowers Wisdom of one target.

Fireblast: Deals a moderate amount of fire-based damage to all targets.

Flare: Deals a small amount of fire-based damage to one target.

Flood Tide: Wind+Water breath attack againts all targets, can Stun.

Frost: Deals a small amount of water damage to one target.

Fulguration: Gravity-based breath attack, damage variant on enemies Hit Point.

Heal: Heal restores a small amount of Hit Point to one character.

Healing Wind: Breath attack, heals Hit Point and bad status off all party members.

Holy Circle: Protects front-row members from all attacks for one round.

Ice Blast: Deals a moderate amount of water damage to all targets.

Inferno: Deals heavy fire-based damage to one target.

Inspire: Increase Wisdom of one target.

Kyrie: Sudden death againts all vulnerable targets.

Leech Power: Suck away AP of one target.

Lifestealer: Automatically kills target, but temporarily lowers user's Max Hit Point.

Meditate: Changes Ryu or Fou-Lu into dragon form.

Might: Raises Attack Power of one target.

Mud Flow: Water+Earth breath attack.

Onslaught: Wind breath attack, can induce Confusion in enemies.

Purify: This spell works as an antidote for Poison, affecting one target.

Primus: Ultimate non-elemental attack againts all enemies.

Protect: Raises the Defense Power of one target by 20%.

Quake: Deals heavy earth-based damage to all targets.

Rainstorm: Holy breath attack, damage changes based on enemies hit point.

Raise Dead: Chance of reviving a fallen ally, restoring 1/4 of their hit point.

Rejuvenate: Heals a moderate amount of hit point to one target.

Remedy: Cures abnormal status conditions in one target.

Resurrect: Revive one target with full hit point.

Restore: Heals a large amount of hit point to one target.

Revert Form: Changes Fou-Lu or Ryu back into his normal form.

Risky Shot: Critical Hit, with a 40% succession rate.

Rock Blast: Deals a small amount of Earth-based damage to all enemies.

Sever: Sever is the weakest of wind-based damage attacks. It deals a small amount of wind damage to one target.

Shield: Raises the Defense Power of all allies.

Shining Blade: Critical Hit, with a 100% succession rate.

Silence: Induces Mute condition in all targets.

Sleep: Induces Sleep in all targets.

Slow: Reduces the Agility of one target.

Speed: Raises the Agility of one target.

Stand Out: Bait enemies into attacking user.

Stone Pillar: Deals a moderate amount of earth-based damage to one target.

Typhoon: Deals heavy wind-based damage to all targets.

Vigor: Heals a moderate amount of hit point to all targets.

Weaken: Lowers Defense Power of one target.

Wild Shot: Does a random amount of damage to one target, up to two times the normal amount.


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