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Enchant Shield - Superior Spirit Farming Location (Classic - WoTLK)

Scarlet Warder

Enchant Shield - Superior Spirit is another enchant that drops in Tyr's Hand, the portion of Eastern Plaguelands with elite Scarlet enemies. You'll find this enchant as a drop off the Scarlet Warder enemies, they're the paladins commonly found in the lower level portion of Tyr's Hand. The other enchant that drops here is Enchant Chest - Major Mana and it drops from the Scarlet Enchanters which are also in the lower level portion.

For those of you who are solo, I recommend you stay on the outside of the buildings. Going into the buildings will be tough since all of the pulls are two or more - additionally inside of the buildings you'll much more commonly find Enchanters instead of the Warders we need for Superior Spirit.

If you'd like to learn more about this location from a different perspective I recommend reading my Tyr's Hand Runecloth Farming Guide. That guide goes into more details about how to farm here as a solo player than this guide does. According to Wowhead this recipe has less than a 1% chance of dropping from the Scarlet Warders so be prepared for a long farm.

Tyrs Hand Farming Location

Inside of Tyr's Hand you'll find some Solid Chests that can spawn in multiple places throughout the compound - outside and inside some of the buildings. I've seen one spawn in the southern most building, outside a shack in the back of the compound and also one inside of the chapel at the eastern most end of the area.

To make things easier, I have included a quick list of all the herbs and mines that you'll find while farming in Tyr's Hand. In my experience the Golden Sansam only spawns up near the chapel in the higher level portion of Tyr's Hand, the rest of the stuff on the list though spawns all over the area.

Herbs in Tyr's Hand: Dreamfoil, Golden Sansam, Mountain Silversage

Mines in Tyr's Hand: Rich Thorium, Small Thorium, Truesilver Deposit


Items of Interest


Greens (To disenchant)

Vendor Trash

Thorium Ore (Rich Thorium Deposit)

Mountain Silversage & Other Level 60 Herbs

Enchant Chest - Major Mana

Enchant Shield - Superior Spirit