Guide to Raising Affection With Companions
Many players are already familiar with raising affection through the dialogue in quests for their Companions, but there is a 100% better and more effective way than doing this. This way is by giving your Companions specific gift items which will raise their affection. You can buy these gifts from a vendor in your main factions Fleet Station or you can gather the gifts through any mission crew skill . There are many different gift items that players can give their companions but it is important that you know which companion likes what, which is what this page is for!
All of the gifts you see below are rank 6 yields from all Mission Crew Skills. Click on the link for each item to learn which Companions you can give it to! If you're buying items from a vendor to give to your Companions you can still use this guide by checking what item you're buying with it's corresponding page here. Also I've created a guide to go over how much Affection each Rank 5 Green/Blue/Epic gift gives you. A link to that guide can be found below.
List of all Rank 5 Companion Gifts
Now that you've seen all of the Companion Gifts here is a complete list of every Companion in the game for both the Imperial and Republic factions. The Companion pages below not only contain a list of what gifts each Companion likes but they also contain details about each Companion that you wont find anywhere else.
List of Imperial Companions
Bounty Hunter Companions
Imperial Agent Companions
Sith Inquisitor Companions
Sith Warrior Companions
List of Republic Companions
Jedi Consular Companions
Jedi Knight Companions
Smuggler Companions
Trooper Companion