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Jedi Consular Companion - Zenith

"Zenith" is the code name of a Balmorran revolutionary fighter who has made a career out of hurting the Empire. Once a member of a powerful resistance cell broken up by Imperial infiltrators, Zenith has struck out on his own, gathering followers from Balmorra's oppressed population to launch sneak attacks, raids and bombings against the occupying Imperial forces. 

Years spent in hiding and seeing the plight of Balmorran citizens have left Zenith with a deep-seated paranoia and hatred of the Empire--especially Balmorra's Sith governor, Darth Lachris. Nothing enrages him more than those who collaborate with the oppressors; he has been known to refuse aid to Balmorrans who cooperate with Imperial soldiers. The sacrifices he has endured have also nurtured Zenith's ambitions--when Balmorra is finally free, someone will have to ensure her new government is strong enough to prevent another occupation.

Guide To Understanding Companions in Swtor

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Companion AffectionGuide for Raising Companion Affection

Intricate Corellian Speeder ModelCompanion Gift Guide

Likes: Hurting Imperials, standing up for the weak, stubbornness, resolve
Dislikes: Mercy to the Empire, betrayal, second chances for those who do wrong

Primary Stat: Cunning
Secondary Stat: Endurance

Primary Weapon: Sniper Rifle
Secondary Weapon: Scattergun

Voice Over Actor - Troy Baker

Gifts That Zenith Likes

Banned Imperial History DocumentBanned Imperial History Document (Imperial Memorabilia Blue Item) - Loves

Account of the Discovery of KorribanAccount of the Discovery of Korriban (Imperial Memorabilia Epic Item) - Loves

Gourmet Ration PackGourmet Ration Pack (Military Gear Blue Item) - Likes

Omni-Vision Battlefield RelayOmni-Vision Battlefield Relay (Military Gear Epic Item) - Likes

Assassin Droid Target HistoryAssassin Droid Target History (Underworld Goods Blue Item) - Likes

Drayen Hyperspace Smuggling RoutesDrayen Hyperspace Smuggling Routes (Underworld Goods Epic Item) - Likes

Energy Blade BayonetEnergy Blade Bayonet (Weapon Blue Item) - Favorite

Unique Rakata GrenadeUnique Rakata Grenade (Weapon Epic Item) - Favorite