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Silithus 58 - 58(Skipable)

Once you arrive in Silithus turn in your quest and accept "Deadly Desert Venom", "Dearest Natalia" and "Securing The Supply Lines". From town head east to (2) and kill Spiders, Scorpions and the Worm looking things until you're done both quests. Return to town and turn in your quests then head south to our base at Hive'Regal(3). Turn in your quest here then run south to Bronzebeard Encampment(4) and Question Frankal and Rutgar. After questioning both of them find a Silithyst Geyser, and right click it for a buff. DO NOT MOUNT UP ONCE YOU HAVE THE BUFF.

Head back to our camp at Hive'Regal and step in the transporter type thing. It will complete your quest. Turn it in then return to Cenarion hold. Turn in "Dearest Natalya" and 10 Encrypted Twilight Texts if you where able to buy them. When you're done hearth back to XR and fly to Everlook. Turn in "Are We There, Yeti?" then fly to Org. Once in org hop off the zepp tower and talk to Frostwolf Ambassador Rokhstrom outside the bank and accept "In Defense of Frostwolf". Then hop the Zepp to UC and head east to the Bulwark.

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