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Weapons - Orge Battle

On this page, you'll discover a comprehensive list of Weapons in Orge Battle. It specifically includes Swords, Spears, Axes Bows and Misc Weapons available in the game. Each Weapon is accompanied by its corresponding stats for easy reference. If you're interested in Abilities, Accessories, Armors, or Items, you can conveniently access their respective pages by following the provided links below.


Orge Battle Lists
- Abilities
- Accessories
- Armors
- Items
- Weapons



Black Katana: +3 strength, black element.

Ice Scimitar: +3 strength, cold element.

Broken Sword: +4 strength, black element.

Sword of Slicing: +4 strength, physical element.

Dragon's Claw: +5 strength, white element.

Flame Sword: +6 strength, fire element.

Dwarven Sword: +7 strength, lightning element.

Ice Blade: +7 strength, cold element.

Death Claws: +8 strength, black element.

Mikado Sword: +8 strength, physical element.

Evil Blade: +8 strength, +3 intelligence. Black element.

Pristine Sword: +8 strength, +10 intelligence. White element.

Bizen Sword: +11 strength, black element.

Peridat Sword: +11 strength, cold element.

Sword of Heroes: +11 strength, physical element.

Durandal: +12 strength, black element.

Musashi Blade: +12 strength, fire element.

Sonic Blade: +13 strength, physical element.

Kusanagi Blade: +15 strength, white element.

Sword of Evil: +15 strength, physical element.

Eskendale Blade: +15 strength, +3 intelligence. Fire element.

Euros: +15 strength, +3 intelligence. Cold element.

Notos: +15 strength, +3 intelligence. Lightning element.

Zepyulos: +15 strength, +3 intelligence. Black element.

Karanborg: +17 strength, white element.

Malachite Sword: +18 strength, -4 intelligence. Cold element.

Zanzibar: +18 strength, white element.

Sigmund: +19 strength, lightning element.

Brunhild: +20 strength, white element.

Ogre Blade: +20 strength, physical element.

Fafhniel: +20 strength, +4 intelligence. Black element.



Dragon Spear: +7 strength, physical element.

Thunder Spear: +9 strength, lightning element.

Benkay's Glaive: +12 strength, physical element.

Ozrich's Spear: +14 strength, +7 intelligence. Cold element.



Ice Axe: +11 strength, cold element.

Rune Axe: +15 strength, white element.

Black Axe: +16 strength, -8 intelligence. Black element.

Boleas: +17 strength, fire element.



Black Bow: +3 strength, +2 intelligence. Black element.

Lightning Bow: +7 strength, lightning element.


Misc Weapons

Battle Dagger: +3 strength, physical element.

Fire Staff: +3 intelligence, fire element.

Mystic Mace: +2 strength, +7 intelligence. White element.

Flame Flail: +4 strength, fire element.

Thunder Whip: +6 strength, lightning element.

Kukai's Rod: +8 strength, white element.

Demon Hammer: +12 strength, - 4 intelligence.

Liebel's Rod: +14 intelligence, white element.



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