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Spyro The Dragon Action Replay Codes (NTSC-U)

This page contains Action Replay cheat codes for Spyro The Dragon (NTSC-U) for the Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical Action Replay device to use the codes.

Anyone who is using an Emulator will have a much easier time getting these codes to work (assuming your Emulator supports them). One of the most popular Emulators for the Ps1 is ePSXe and if you'd like to learn how to use the codes on this page for that Emulator, check out my how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my Spyro The Dragon Guides Index and choose a different section.


Level Specific Codes


Air Dash Glide: 80011028 2870

Landless Glide: 80011028 1C74

Default Gliding: 80011028 2F20

Have Infinite Health: 8007F54C 0003

Have Infinite Lives: 8007C100 000F

Have Infinite Time: 8007C110 0A00

Have 14,000 Jewels: 8007C130 36B0

Have All 8 Arches Collected: 8007EFC4 0008

Have All 8 Chests Found: 8007EFCC 0008

Have All 8 Planes Collected: 8007EFC8 0008

Have All 8 Rings Collected: 8007EFC0 0008

Have All Dragon Eggs Found: 8007C0E4 000C

Have All Dragons Freed: 8007C01C 0050

Have Key: 8007C104 0001

Glide To Fly: 800110CC 5294

Super High Jump: 800110A4 7248
Glide before 5sec or the area reloads

Default Jump: 800110A4 4650

(Not All Levels) Super Speed: 8007F52E 0001

Walk On Hazardous Water: 80011380 7064


Have All Found

50000404 0000
8007EFC0 0008


Dragonfly Picks Up Gems From Anywhere

D007C77C 059A
8007C780 0016
D007CA30 059A
8007CA34 0016
D007CAB0 059A
8007CAB4 0016
D007CAF4 059A
8007CAF8 0016
D007CB64 059A
8007CB68 0016
D007CBA8 059A
8007CBAC 0016
D007CF70 059A
8007CF74 0016
D007CFB4 059A
8007CFB8 0016
D007D0E4 059A
8007D0E8 0016
D007D174 059A
8007D178 0016
D007D3D8 059A
8007D3DC 0016
D007D940 059A
8007D944 0016
D007DA94 059A
8007DA98 0016
D007DD00 059A
8007DD04 0016
D007EBC4 059A
8007EBC8 0016
D007F384 059A
8007F388 0016
D007F528 059A
8007F52C 0016
D007F9E4 059A
8007F9E8 0016
D007FA50 059A
8007FA54 0016
D007FC80 059A
8007FC84 0016
D007FD0C 059A
8007FD10 0016
D007FF40 059A
8007FF44 0016
D0081564 059A
80081568 0016
D0081820 059A
80081824 0016
D0081C3C 059A
80081C40 0016
D0081C8C 059A
80081C90 0016
D0081CE4 059A
80081CE8 0016
D0081FD8 059A
80081FDC 0016
D00821BC 059A
800821C0 0016
D0082734 059A
80082738 0016


Fly Instead of Glide ON
Press L1 + Triangle

D007F032 EBFF
8007F634 0001


Fly Instead of Glide OFF
Press R1 + Triangle

D007F032 E7FF
8007F634 0000


Moon Jump

E007DD10 0040
8007F468 0000


Spyro Is Red
Press L2 + Triangle

D007F032 EEFF
8007F0F8 0600


Spyro Will Skid Instead of Walk

8007F484 00E5
8007F500 1E9B


Pick Up One Of Each To Complete Flight Levels

8003CAE4 0008
8003CAE6 2402



D0063D28 0008
30063D26 0040



D00655D0 0010
800655D0 0000