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Elemental PoP Class Armor Quests

Elemental Armor is the group quest armor that was added in the Planes of Power expansion pack. In order for you to get this armor you'll need an armor template drop from one of the non-elemental zones that was added into the game during PoP as well as a unique kit to do the combines & specific items made through Tradeskilling.

The Tradeskill items that you'll need for each armor combine vary slightly depending on what your class is. I'll include more about all of that below. The universal NPC for this quest is Bor Wharhammer who is located in the Plane of Tranquility, shown in the picture above. Speak with Bor Wharammer and follow the steps below:

Hail, Bor Wharhammer

/say what emblem?

Hand Bor Wharhammer 500pp and he'll give you an emblem for your class as well as one of four different Tradeskill kits - depending on what your class is and they type of armor that they wear. The rest of the quest changes a bit depending on what class you are and what type of armor you wear. More information is found below in an easier to read format.


Plate & Chain Armor:

Tanaan Smithing Hammer

Class Emblem

Ethereal Metal Rings

Elemental Armor Pattern


Cloth & Leather Armor:

Tanaan Embroidery Needle

Class Emblem

Cured Ethereal Energy

Elemental Armor Pattern


Following the links provided will give you a little bit more information about obtaining each of the required items. For anyone that's feeling a bit lazy I would highly recommend you check The Bazaar for Cured Ethereal Energy as well as Ethereal Metal Rings. In order to craft either of these you'll need to collect Celestial Essences which are an annoying Brewing Combine.

Additionally in order to create the final combine for the quest (the Metal Rings or Ethereal Energy) you'll need to have at least some practice in the Smithing or Tailoring professions. Each of the combines has roughly a 200 trivial which will be almost impossible for you to succeed on if your skill is under 150 for your required Tradeskill.

If you're interested in raising these Tradeskills yourself I recommend you check out my PoP Smithing Guide or my PoP Tailoring Guide. They are the best paths available to raise your Tradeskills until the Dragons of Norrath expansion pack. At that point there is probably a better method to raising your Tradeskills than what those guides show - so you may want to look for my DoN guides!