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Terokkar Forest 63 - 64

Upon entering Terokkar head southeast to Stonebreaker Hold(1). Once you're in town grab all the quests and the flightpath, also turn in your quest and set your hearth here. From town head northwest to the Cenarion Thicket. When you're running around terokkar collect Olemba Seeds for "Olemba Seed Oil". Once you reach the Cenarion thicket speak with Earthbinder Tavgren(2). Refresh your quest then head north across the road.

Kill Vicious Teromoth's for Samples, Also grab Warden Treelos's(3) Quest "It's Watching You" the warden wonders in this thicket. Once you have the quest head up to the top of the tower in this area and kill Naphthal'ar(4). When it's dead return to Treelos and turn in your quest. Now head for the building in this area and examine the strange object that is inside. Complete the quest, finish off the samples that you need, then head across the road and kill Teromoths for their samples.

Return to Tavgren and refresh your quest when you're done. Now find Empoor(5) who wonders along this road and beat him up. Refresh your quest at him then head into Shattrath and refresh your quest at Wind Trader Lathrai. From him head northwest to Seth and accept "Rather be Fishin' ". Continue west and refresh your quest at Rilak the Redeemed, then head above you to the rise and accept Vekax's quest. Head out of town and go to Silmyr Lake(6) kill Shimmerscale eels for 8 Pristine Shimmerscale Eels. (Essentially we kill them but the quest says you knock them out, If you where confused as to why we killed them, then had to find "Pristine" ones from there bodies like they ate each other or something.... ANYWAY..)

When you're done head east to Veil Reskk. Here you need to collect the eye of Veil Reskk(7), and kill Ashkax(8). Both of which are on elevated platform above ground level. Once you're done here head further east to Veil Shienor(9). Here you need to kill 14 Talonites, 6 Sorcerers and Ayit(10). Ayit is on Ground level, as for the eye thats up top, the only way up is through the tree on the far eastern side of Veil Shienor. When you're done here head south to Shadowstalker Kaide(11).

Accept "What Happens in Terokkar Stays in Terokkar" From Kaide then head south to Bonechewer Ruins(12). Here you need to kill 12 Warped Peons, 6 Backbreakers and 10 Devestators. Also you need to kill Timber Worg Alpha's for 12 pelts when you're done return to Kaide and turn in your quests. Accept his followup then head back to the Bonechewer Ruins and into the Large building. Kill Lisaile Fireweaver(13) and grab the quest from the Fel Orc Plans next to her. Return to Kaide when you're done and turn in your quest.

Head back towards town, kill 10 Warp Stalkers and finish the Olemba seeds that you need. Once you're back in town refresh your supply of quests and do the quick talk to with Grek, then head west to Veil Skith(14). Here you need to kill Urdak and collect 5 Stolen Goods. Urdaks on the raised platforms. When you're done head southeast to Scout Nefis(15). Refresh your quest then head into Gran'gol var village(16). The Advisor is in the Hut, the Laborer near the wood piles and the Initiate by the summoners. AVOID THE HUNTERS they'll rip the disguise right off you.

When you're done return to Nefis and refresh your quest. Head into the village again and kill 10 Summoners, 10 Executioners and Shadowmaster Grieve. Once they're all dead return to town and turn in your quests, then fly to Shattrath and turn in your quests here. Grab the followups and fly back to Stonebreaker. Head north to Tuurem(17), in the northern Section you'll find a Sealed Box(18). Open it then head over to Tavgren and refresh your quest.

Return to town and refresh your quest in town, then head east to where shadowstalker Kaide sits. Refresh your quest again at Chawni then head north to Firewing Point(19). Here you need to kill 10 Defenders, 10 Bloodwarders and 10 Warlocks. When you're done return to Chawni and refresh your quest, then return to firewing point. Head into the Large Building and use the orb of translocation to port up to the top. Kill Sharth Voldoun for The Final Code and take the orb back down. Use the code on the mana bomb in the middle of this area then head back into the building and accept Isla Starmane's escort.

Follow her until completion then head over to Ironjaw(20) and kill him (Follow his pathing that i give you, to find him). Return to town when you're done and refresh your quests. From town head back to Earthbinder Tavgren and turn in your quest. When you're done head south to the Refugee Caravan(21). Turn in your quest here and accept the ton of new ones that appear. When you're done head northwest to Veil Skith.

Once you reach Veil Skith use the Rod of Purification on the Darkstone of Terokk in the center of Veil Skith. Then kill the Arakkoa for keys to free the caged children, when you free all the children and destroy the Darkstone return to the caravan and refresh your quest supply. Now head north following the forests edge killing Infested Root Walkers(22), then the Wood Mites that they spawn upon death. Once you're done with the quest head south to (23) and kill 8 Skirmishers, 4 Spell-Weavers and 2 Initiates.

Also at some point you'll find Cabal Orders, accept the quest from them then return to the caravan when you're done. Refresh your quests then head west to the Shadow Tomb(24). Head inside and clear both sides, one side has the Gavel and the other has the Drape. Once you have both items continue further into the tomb. In the back of the very large room grab the Scroll then accept the escort from Akuno. Follow him until completion.

Head back to the caravan when you're done and turn in your quests. From the caravan head East to Carrion Hill(25). Kill 20 Bonelashers then head further east to the Tomb of Lights. Here you need to kill 10 Nethermancers and 10 Plunderers. When you complete that head north a bit to town and turn in your quest. Ignore the followup (Unless you're confident you can solo an elite, then do it at the end of terokkar before we leave for nagrand).

From town return to the caravan and turn in your quest. Grab the new one that appears then head west to Veil Rhaze(26). Here you need to kill 4 Deathtalon Spirits, 4 Screeching Spirits and 2 Spirit Ravens. Once they're all dead head south to the Sha'tari Base Camp(27). Grab all of the quests then head east and burn 8 Sha'tar Vindicator Corpses and 8 Auchenai Warrior Corpses(28), Also Collect Restless bones until completion while in the Bone Wastes.

When you're done torching the corpses head further east to Vindicator Haylen(29) accept his quest then head into the woods and kill 20 spiders and free 6 soldiers from the cacoons. When you're done turn your quest in to Haylen and accept the followup (If you can kill a big elite spider(30)). Head back west to the Sha'tari Base camp when you're done. Back at the base camp refresh your supply of quests and accept Chief Archaeologist Letoll's Escort. Follow him and guard him until completion then return to the base camp.

Refresh your quest and from here head east to (31) and kill 12 Initiates and 5 Doomsayers also finish off all the remaining Restless bones. When you're done return the camp and refresh your quest. From camp head northeast to the Auchenai Coffin(32) and kill the Exarch that appears when you try to open it. Look at your mini map, see the "?" below you for Ramdor The Mad? Get to him and refresh your quest. When you're done hearth back to town and head back to the Refugee Caravan.

Refresh your quest at the caravan then head to the Sha'tari base camp and turn in your quest. From the base camp head east and kill 10 Skeletons and 10 Spirits(33) on your way to the Derelict Caravan. Once you reach the caravan clear to the massive treasure chest(34), open it and grab the relic. Now find a safe spot and use the Fumper in your inventory. Kill the Bone Sifters that it calls and loot 8 Carcasses. Return to the Sha'tari base camp upon completion, turn in your quests, ignore the followups. From base camp head northwest to Veil Lithic(35).

Here you need to open Cursed eggs and kill 3 Malevolent Hatchlings and redeem 3 Hatchlings. When you're done retun to the caravan and refresh your quests. From the caravan head south to Skywing(36) grab his quest then follow him, he'll take you right by 3 of 4 fires. The only one that will be left is Sapphire (55, 67) are the coords. Once all of them are lit return to the caravan and refresh your quests, then head north into Shattrath.

In Shatt turn in your quest to Rilak, and your 30 Feathers assuming you got 30 feathers. Upon turning in your quest to rilak a quest will appear right behind it, defend rilak and his buddy then turn in the quest. (If you cant do it alone, just ask for help... Someones got to help its shatt!) When you're done fly to Zabra'jin. Grab the two quests in town then head southwest into Nagrand.

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