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Intermission 41-41

After leaving Dustwallow head To Thunderbluff and turn in Deadmire if you had it. If not, From Dustwallow fly directly to tanaris and run north into the Shimmering Flats. Refresh your Seaforium Booster quest, and head back south to Gadgetzan. Refresh it again and head back north into the flats. Turn it in and hearth back to XR, then fly over to org and grab the Firstaid Quest from the First aid trainer in the Valley of Spirits. If you're firstaid isnt 225 Get it to 225. Train the final rank of any tradeskills you might have, search the auction house for

Green Hills of Stranglethorn Pages that you need

New Gear

9 Blue Pearls

1 Frost Oil

1 Gyrochronatum

1 Healing Potion

1 Lesser Invisibility Potion

1 Patterened Bronze Bracers

From Org fly down to Tanaris and run north into the Shimmering Flats. Refresh your Seaforium Booster Quest and head back south to Gadgetzan. Refresh it again and head back north into the flats. Turn it in and run back to Gadgetzan to fly to org and hop the Zep to UC. From UC fly To Hammerfall. Refresh your quest at the first aid npc and accept "Triage". To easily do the Triage Quest, stand in the center of the room and have your backpack open for easy access to the bandage. The Order you want to save them in is Critically Injured First whom is undead, then Badly Injured whom is a Troll, then Injured.

The Critically Injured last about 20 seconds, so finish up your bandaging on your current target then immediatly switch to them. Same for when a Badly Injured one pops up. You'll be done in no time, when you are head out of town and being the long journey to the badlands. In order to get there you have to run through the Wetlands and Dun Morogh.

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