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Cat Carrier (Black Tabby)

The Cat Carrier (Black Tabby) is a very rare vanity pet only available to the Horde. You can still get this Cat Carrier on Alliance. It is just much... much... much... more rare. The Cat Carrier has roughly a 1 in 1000 chance to drop from the Dalaran Mobs around the Crater where Dalaran once was.

These mobs are friendly to the Alliance, which is the reason it is only available to the Horde. As a Horde if you manage to get this Carrier, make a post on your realm forums that you're selling it. You'll probly get an Alliance player that is interested. You could probably sell this for 1-2k if you can find the right person.

There is a rare elite in Ambermill that has a 15% chance to drop the Cat Carrier. His name is Dalaran Spellscribe. The Dalaran Spellscribe has roughly an 8 hour spawn time. So if you really want this pet, log off here or have an alt logged off here and camp him.