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Farming Whiptail in Uldum

When it comes to farming Whiptail nothing beats Uldum. Of course there are only two places you can farm Whiptail, one of them being Tol Barad and the other of course Uldum. Here you will find a ton of Whiptail around the rivers that go through the center of the zone as well as the lake which is in the dead center of the zone. You may be wondering, why is Whiptail the only herb you mention farming in Uldum? Well, it is because there is literally no other good herb paths through this zone besides the Whiptail one. I've seen Cinderbloom scattered throughout the zone but it is so few and far between that it is better to just stick to the rivers for the Whiptail. Also Whiptail sells for 10x more!

Best Uldum Farming Path

Above is the picture of the path I use for farming Whiptail in Uldum. It doesn't really matter where you start but I have found that it works best to fly northeast of Ramkahen up to the start point on my map and then just work your way south. Whiptail respawns pretty fast and usually always has 4 to 5 people farming it depending on the time of day and your server population. The path is fairly simple and straight forward though, you can't really go wrong by following it. Once you reach the end point you should fly further east across the desert area back to the start point or you can just turn around and follow the path backwards. Either one works since the Whiptail respawns extremely fast.


Uldum Herbalism Farming Video

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Volatile Life