Mario Party 4 Gecko Codes (US)
This page is dedicated to all of the Gecko Codes that I have for Mario Party 4 (US) on the Nintendo Gamecube. If you're looking for the Mario Party 4 (US) Action Replay Codes then I recommend you follow the link to be taken to that guide instead.
If you are using the Dolphin Gamecube Emulator and struggling to figure out how to get these codes to work, look no further! Check out my How to setup Action Replay Codes on Dolphin or my How to setup Gecko Codes on Dolphin guides. Both of these can provide you the guidance that you need to get your codes working.
All Minigames (ASM): 040310BC 3880FFFF
E3 Version: 04130030 8012F7B5
Debug Menu Enabled: 041300A8 8012FD0E
Start Toad's Midway Madness
SFX Muted: 04032A94 4E800020
Rumble Off: 0018FDDC 00000000
Rumble On: 0018FDDC 00000001
Skip Intro: 04056168 38607FFF
Steal Stars From Players Without Stars: 0409E1A8 38600001
Unlimited Air on Mario Medley
20436918 D01F0068
044369B0 60000000
E2000001 80008000
Barrel Baron All Dig Spots Give 100 Points
20426560 3C608043
C242655C 00000002
3FE08043 3BFFF3A0
93FE005C 00000000
E2000001 80008000
Always Win Dice Game - Goomba's Greedy Gala
20432D5C 3860000A
04432D60 38600009
E2000001 80008000
Barrel Baron 999 Points
20428378 4E800020
C2428374 00000002
3BE003E7 B3E30000
386003E7 00000000
E2000001 80008000
Bombs Never Explode - Bob-Omb Xing
2043886C 4081025C
04438854 60000000
E2000001 80008000
Invulnerability on Bob-Omb Xing
2043631C 40810014
04435DE0 48000154
E2000001 80008000
Walk Through Bombs on Bob-Omb Xing
2043631C 40810014
0443608C 60000000
044360A8 60000000
E2000001 80008000
(Player 2) Bowser Wrestling - No Energy
204214F4 3B600000
C24214F0 00000003
2C190001 40820008
38800000 909F0030
60000000 00000000
E2000001 80008000
CPUs Roll 1
C208715C 00000006
3F608019 881BFD02
1C000030 7F60DA14
8B7BFC38 737B0020
2C1B0020 40820008
38600000 7C7B0734
60000000 00000000
C2087160 00000006
3C608019 8803FD02
1C000030 7C601A14
8863FC38 70630020
2C030020 40820008
3B400001 7F400734
60000000 00000000
2D Recolours Disabled
0400FABC 380000FF
0400FAC4 380000FF
0400FACC 380000FF
(Both Players) Bowser Bop - Double Point Gain
20425F84 48000010
04425F74 60000000
04425BE8 60000000
E2000001 80008000
Everyone Has Magic Lamp
C2062D5C 00000003
2C1F0000 4082000C
3800000C 98040005
88040005 00000000
Final Battle Unlimited Health
2044D4AC 7C170050
0444D4AC 3800000A
E2000001 80008000
Final Battle Unlimited Time
20455900 3887FFFF
04455900 38870000
E2000001 80008000
Final Battle Bowser Instantly Dies
2043BFDC 80830030
0443BFDC 38800000
0443BFE0 90830030
E2000001 80008000
Final Battle Invulnerability
2044D32C 41820060
0444D32C 4182005C
0444E6F4 48000180
E2000001 80008000
Free Boo
040A5178 38600005
040A5480 38600032
040A5F14 38800000
040A61C0 38800000
Free Lottery
0407B28C 38600005
0407BD04 38800000
Shop Items Are Free
04077D80 38600005
04079668 3860001E
040796FC 386003E7
04078110 3BA00000
04078114 9BA30000
Free Stars
040843CC 2C030000
04084590 2C030000
040845CC 2C030000
04084720 38800000
Free Roulette on Goomba's Greedy Gala
2043B934 2C1F0005
0443B92C 386003E7
0443BB08 38800000
E2000001 80008000
Unlimited Board Movement for Player
Hold Z to disable on Player 1 Controller.
C20648D4 00000004
A96D867C 716B0010
2C0B0000 41820008
38600000 7C601B78
60000000 00000000
Mushroom Medic 99 Points
204244B0 3C806666
C24244A8 00000002
3BA00063 93BF000C
60000000 00000000
E2000001 80008000
Mushroom Medic Always Correct
Hold Z and select a patient. Hold Z until Death Animation begins.
2041FF50 40820050
C241FF4C 00000005
38000000 38800001
A86D867C 70630010
2C030000 41820008
7C040378 7C040000
60000000 00000000
E2000001 80008000
Mushroom Medic - Unlimited Selection Time
20424058 41810014
0442404C 38030000
E2000001 80008000
No Item Mode
0408945C 3B6000FF
04089460 9B630005
04089468 48000040
Max Score on Paratrooper Plunge
204361BC 3BC00000
C24361D8 00000007
3C808019 1CBD0030
7C852214 8884FC3C
2C040000 4082001C
2C000030 41800014
38800009 7C9F012E
38800063 909F0008
7C9F002E 00000000
E2000001 80008000
Walk Anywhere on Paths of Peril
48000000 800030C8
DE000000 80008180
30006CA4 38600000
14006CA0 60000000
E0000000 80008000
Pause for Last Turn
C20B1154 00000002
88040005 98040004
60000000 00000000
Take A Breather - Mash Only L
20420834 408209B8
04420818 38A00000
044207F0 38600000
E2000001 80008000
Bowser's Gnarly Party Unlocked
20441D98 2C000001
04441D94 38000001
044396FC 38000001
E2000001 80008000
Expert Difficulty Unlocked
20446064 4082002C
04445FA4 38000001
0444605C 38000001
E2000001 80008000
2044E6DC 40820028
0444E578 38000001
0444E6D4 38A00001
E2000001 80008000
2044D25C 5400E7FE
0444D258 380000FF
0444D198 380000FF
E2000001 80008000
2043EDF8 4082002C
0443EDE8 38A000FF
0443ED28 380000FF
E2000001 80008000
20449684 4082002C
04449674 38A000FF
044495B4 380000FF
E2000001 80008000
Widescreen Enabled
041D4980 44555555
0400C040 2C000356
C200B0F4 00000003
1C000004 3BA00003
7C00EFD6 B01F0004
60000000 00000000
041D49F8 44400000
041D4F0C 44400000
C20CF3D8 00000005
3C003B2A 6000AAAB
80830000 7C002000
40820010 3C00BF40
60000000 9003000C
C003000C 00000000
C20423EC 00000002
3C004410 9001000C
C041000C 00000000
C20BBC08 00000003
3FE03FAB 93E30000
C3830000 EF620732
60000000 00000000
C20BBE04 00000003
3C003FAB 90030000
C0A30000 EFA20172
60000000 00000000
04014874 38600001
0405DDBC 4E800020
C208955C 00000005
C001FFFC C03F0004
EC010032 3CA042C0
EC200828 00000000
C20885A4 00000005
C001FFFC C03F0004
EC010032 3CA042C0
EC200828 00000000
C208B500 00000005
3C803FAB 90810040
C0210040 7C03042E
EC210032 3C8042C0
90810040 C0010040
EC010028 00000000
C208C4B4 00000005
3C803FAB 90810040
C0210040 7C03042E
EC210032 3C8042C0
90810040 C0010040
EC010028 00000000
C208C1A8 00000006
83C10044 3CA03FAB
90A10044 C3C10044
7FE4042E EFFE07F2
3CA042C0 90A10044
C3C10044 EFFFF028
93C10044 00000000
48000000 800030C8
DE000000 80008180
30010010 C0010064
D2010088 00000005
3C603FAB 906100A4
C04100A4 C01F0110
EC420032 3C6042C0
906100A4 C00100A4
EC020028 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Bob-Omb Xing WTW
2043631C 40810014
04435A8C 60000000
04435A9C 60000000
04435AB4 60000000
04435ACC 60000000
04435C7C 60000000
04435C8C 60000000
04435CA4 60000000
04435CBC 60000000
044360D4 60000000
044360E4 60000000
044360FC 60000000
04436114 60000000
044362C4 60000000
044362D4 60000000
044362EC 60000000
04436304 60000000
E2000001 80008000