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NBA Courtside 2 Featuring Kobe Bryant Action Replay Codes (USA)

This page contains the Action Replay codes that I have for NBA Courtside 2 Featuring Kobe Bryant (USA), a game for the Nintendo 64. If you are playing on a physical N64 console then you will need to purchase a physical Action Replay device to use the codes you find on this page and website. From what I have read and seen both of these cheat devices have cross compatibility.

For those of you out there using an Emulator such as Project 64, you can typically add cheats by clicking on a tab at the top of your Emulator that will lead you to a section where you can add codes. Anyone who is using the Project 64 Emulator should check out my How to Setup Codes on Project 64 Guide for more information on how to get cheats working.

If you don't see the cheats you're looking for on this page I recommend you return to my NBA Courtside 2 Featuring Kobe Bryant Guides and Walkthroughs page and choose a different section.


10 Second Half Court Enabled: 800E1EA3 0001

10 Second Half Court Disabled: 800E1EA3 0000

5 Second Inbound Enabled: 800E1EA2 0001

5 Second Inbound Disabled: 800E1EA2 0000

Announcer Level Off: 800E1E2D 0000

Announcer Level Lowest: 800E1E2D 0001

Announcer Level Max: 800E1E2D 0002

Auto Switch Enabled: 800E1E36 0001

Auto Switch Disabled: 800E1E36 0000

Back Court Enabled: 800E1E9D 0001

Back Court Disabled: 800E1E9D 0000

Crowd FX Level Off: 800E1E2C 0000

Crowd FX Level Lowest: 800E1E2C 0001

Crowd FX Level Max: 800E1E2C 0002

Defense Fouls Off: 800E1E99 0000

Defense Fouls Low: 800E1E99 0001

Defense Fouls Medium: 800E1E99 0002

Defense Fouls High: 800E1E99 0003

(Difficulty Modifier) Easy: 800E1E98 0000

(Difficulty Modifier) Normal: 800E1E98 0001

(Difficulty Modifier) Hard: 800E1E98 0002

(Difficulty Modifier) Off: 800E1E98 0003

(Difficulty Modifier) Standard: 800E1E98 0004

Fatigue Enabled: 800E1EA5 0001

Fatigue Disabled: 800E1EA5 0000

(Foul Outs) Off: 800E1E9B 0000

(Foul Outs) 2 Fouls: 800E1E9B 0001

(Foul Outs) 3 Fouls: 800E1E9B 0002

(Foul Outs) 4 Fouls: 800E1E9B 0003

(Foul Outs) 5 Fouls: 800E1E9B 0004

(Foul Outs) 6 Fouls: 800E1E9B 0005

(Game Speed Modifier) Normal: 800E1E96 0000

(Game Speed Modifier) Lowest: 800E1E96 0001

(Game Speed Modifier) Fastest: 800E1E96 0002

(Quarter Length) 12 Minutes: 800E1E97 0000

(Quarter Length) 9 Minutes: 800E1E97 0001

(Quarter Length) 6 Minutes: 800E1E97 0002

(Quarter Length) 3 Minutes: 800E1E97 0003

Goaltending Enabled: 800E1E9F 0001

Goaltending Disabled: 800E1E9F 0000

Illegal Defense: 800E1EA0 000?

Momentum Meter Enabled: 800E1E38 0001

Momentum Meter Disabled: 800E1E38 0000

Music Level Off: 800E1E2A 0000

Music Level Lowest: 800E1E2A 0001

Music Level Max: 800E1E2A 0002

Offensive Fouls OFF: 800E1E9A 0000

Offensive Fouls Low: 800E1E9A 0001

Offensive Fouls Medium: 800E1E9A 0002

Offensive Fouls High: 800E1E9A 0003

Out of Bounds Enabled: 800E1E9C 0001

Out of Bounds Disabled: 800E1E9C 0000

Passing Indicator Enabled: 800E1E31 0001

Passing Indicator Disabled: 800E1E31 0000

Player Indicator Enabled: 800E1E30 0001

Player Indicator Disabled: 800E1E30 0000

Rebound Indicator Enabled: 800E1E32 0001

Rebound Indicator Disabled: 800E1E32 0000

Score & Clock Display Enabled: 800E1E34 0001

Score & Clock Display Disabled: 800E1E34 0000

Shot Clock Enabled: 800E1EA4 0001

Shot Clock Disabled: 800E1EA4 0000

Slo-Mo Dunks Enabled: 800E1E2E 0001

Slo-Mo Dunks Disabled: 800E1E2E 0000

Sound FX Level OFF: 800E1E2B 0000

Sound FX Level Lowest: 800E1E2B 0001

Sound FX Level Max: 800E1E2B 0002

(Special Camera) During Replay: 800E1E2F 0000

(Special Camera) Ingame: 800E1E2F 0001

(Special Camera) Disabled: 800E1E2F 0002

Statistical Updates Enabled: 800E1E35 0001

Statistical Updates Disabled: 800E1E35 0000

Turbo Indicator Enabled: 800E1E33 0001

Turbo Indicator Disbled: 800E1E33 0000


Never Miss A Shot (Hold R After Releasing Ball)

D2129D45 0010
8103EF5C 1040
D2129D45 0010
8103EF78 1202
D2129D45 0010
8103EF80 1602
D0129D45 0010
8103EF5C 1000
D0129D45 0010
8103EF78 2400
D0129D45 0010
8103EF80 2400