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Conflagrant Raw Silk Farming Locations

Conflagrant Raw Silk

Conflagrant Raw Silk is one of the two ingredients that is used in Tailoring to make Conflagrant Armor. You can find this item as a drop from almost all sarnak enemies in the Ring of Scale expansion pack, the EoK sarnaks don't drop this item.

The zones you can find sarnak enemies in are, Gorowyn, Sathir's Tomb, The Overthere and Skyfire Mountains. Out of all these zones, I have found only two were actually worth farming, Gorowyn and Sathir's Tomb. Below you will find more information about these two zones and the sarnaks found within.

Conflagrant Raw Silk Tailoring Recipes



Gorowyn - Conflagrant Raw Silk & Reptile Skin Farming Location

Gorowyn Conflagrant Silk and Skin Farming

The best place to farm Conflagrant Raw Silk is in Gorowyn, a zone that's found just off Skyfire Mountains. You will find sarnak enemies throughout this entire zone and pretty much all of them have a chance of dropping the Conflagrant Raw Silk. In addition to the sarnak, you'll find many enemies here that drop Conflagrant Reptile Skin which is another item used in Tailoring to make leather Conflagrant Armor.

For more informatin about the zone of Gorowyn follow the link below to be taken to my Gorowyn leveling guide.

Gorowyn Leveling Guide


Sathir's Tomb - Conflagrant Raw Silk Farming Location

Sathirs Tomb Conflagrant Raw Silk Farming Location

The next best location for you farm Conflagrant Raw Silk is in the western portion of Sathir's Tomb - where the regular sarnak enemies are. There's quite a few sarnaks in here, some of them are place holders for two of the different nameds that spawn in here. If you're unable to handle an RoS named, or you haven't finished your EoK progression and can't resist the Aura of the Dizzok this camp is not recommended.

Both named enemies here are Kar`zok which means they have that nasty aura which drains HP, MP and endurance and it can only be resisted with EoK progression completed.