Necromancer Epic 1.0 Checklist
[ ] Symbol of the Apprentice
( ) Hail Venenzi Oberzendi in Nektulos Forest
( ) Hail Kazen Fecae in Lake Rathetear
( ) Kill Sir Edwin Motte (Can be found in East Freeport) and Loot his Head
( ) Give the Head to Kazen Fecae for the Symbol of the Apprentice
[ ] Symbol of the Serpent
( ) Give the Symbol to Venenzi Oberzendi for the Twisted Symbol of the Apprentice
( ) Kill Najena and loot the Flowing Black Robe
( ) Give the Flowing Black Robe to Venenzi for Rolling Stone Moss
( ) Give the Rolling Stone Moss and the Twisted Symbol of the Apprentice to Emkel Kabae in Lake Rathetear
( ) Receive Symbol of the Serpent
[ ] Symbol of Testing
( ) Hail Ssessthrass in Swamp of no Hope and give him the Symbol of the Serpent for the Scaled Symbol of the Serpent
( ) Kill the Herbalist in Chardok and loot the Mainsi Herb
( ) Give the Mainsi Herb and the Scaled Symbol of the Serpent to Ssessthrass for a Refined Mainsi Herb
( ) Give the Refined Mainsi Herb to Emkel for the Symbol of Testing
[ ] Symbol of Insanity
( ) Give the Symbol of Testing to Kazen
( ) Goto the small inlet east of Emkel and kill the Bone Golem
( ) Kill the Failed Apprentice
( ) Kill the Tormented Spirit and loot the Symbol of Insanity
[ ] Gzallk in a Box
( ) Give the Symbol of Insanity to Drendico Metalbones in Timorous Deep and receive the Journal
( ) Speak to Jzil Gsix
( ) Kill Azeraks and other second isle monsters for the Silver Disc
( ) Kill the Watchful Guardian for the Spiroc Feathers
( ) Kill Keeper of Souls for the Black Silk Cape
( ) Give the items to Jzil for the Cloak of Spiroc Feathers
( ) Kill Innoruuk or Mini-Bosses from Plane of Hate for the Eye of Innoruuk
( ) Kill Cazic Thule or Terror for Blood of Cazic Thule
( ) Turn into Drendico with the Journal for Prepared Regents Box
( ) Give the Prepared Regents Box to Kazen for the Tome of Instruction
( ) Give the tome of Instruction to Gzzallk for Gzzallk in a Box
[ ] Scythe of the Shadowed Soul!!
( ) Give Gzzallk in a Box to Kazen for Scythe of the Shadowed Soul