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Mageweave Cloth Farming outside Zul'farrak (Classic - WotLK)

The second best place for you to farm elites that drop Mageweave Cloth is outside of the Zul'farrak instance, located in northern Tanaris. I'd only recommend this location to players who are playing DPS classes and are 55+ as the enemies here are elite and will be more difficult to take down than regular enemies. Even better if you're level 60 and wearing some of the BiS pre-raid gear.

If you're a class who can handle AoE farming, such as a Mage, you may want to go inside of Zul'farrak to farm instead of hunting these enemies on the outside. One of the reasons I like this location so much is because the enemies are spaced out enough for you to easily get almost nothing but single pulls the entire time you're farming here.

You'll want to farm the camps of trolls that are found throughout the entire area to the south of Zul'farrak's entrance. In each of these camps there are usually three or more trolls patroling around which you can all pull as singles.


Items of Interest:

Grey Items to Vendor

Mageweave Cloth

Greens & Blues to disenchant

Wildvine (Will only drop in Jintha'Alor)

Troll Sweat (Destroy if you need Inventory Space)