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Return of Double Dragon Guides and Walkthroughs

The Return of Double Dragon is a beat 'em up video game that was released in 1992 by Technos Japan Corp. Developed by the Japanese company Technos Japan Corp, The Return of Double Dragon is the fourth installment in the Double Dragon series and a sequel to the original Double Dragon game. The game features classic beat 'em up gameplay, where players control one of the two protagonists, Billy or Jimmy Lee, as they fight through waves of enemies in side-scrolling levels. Players can use various moves, combos, and weapons to defeat enemies, including punches, kicks, grabs, and special attacks. The game also features a cooperative multiplayer mode, allowing players to team up and fight together against the enemy hordes.

The Return of Double Dragon introduces new gameplay mechanics, including the ability to perform dodge moves, counter attacks, and grab enemies from behind. Players can also collect power-ups and health-restoring items throughout the levels to aid in their battles. The game features a variety of enemy types, including different types of thugs, martial artists, and bosses, each with their own unique attack patterns and strategies. Released in 1992, The Return of Double Dragon was initially released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and later for other platforms such as the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis. The game was praised for its solid beat 'em up gameplay, improved graphics, and sound effects compared to earlier Double Dragon games. However, it also received some criticism for its difficulty level and lack of innovation in the genre. In summary, The Return of Double Dragon is a beat 'em up video game released in 1992 by Technos Japan Corp, known for its classic beat 'em up gameplay, cooperative multiplayer mode, and introduction of new gameplay mechanics. It was released for the SNES and other platforms and received both praise and criticism for various aspects of its gameplay and presentation.

Return of Double Dragon Game Genie Codes (Japan)

Return of Double Dragon Pro Action Replay Codes (Japan)



Return of Double Dragon Title Screen



















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