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Sorcerer & Spiritmaster Stigma (Curse of Roots)


This is the first excellent farming area you will stumble upon as an asmodian is the Ettin's right outside of Morheim. These Ettins have a chance to drop the Curse of Roots Stigma for the Sorcerer and Body Root Stigma for the Spiritmaster. The Stigma's are very popular among the Sorcerer and Spiritmaster classes.

This Stigma has a relatively low drop rate but can sell upwards of 3 mill Kinah. So if you spend your time farming here and you actually get one, it will be well worth the effort. Below is a map of where you can find the Ettins for farming the Stigma. Where you see me on the map is where I usually farm them.

Morheim Snow Field

Curse of Roots Stigma Farming Video:

Items of Interest

Vendor Trash Vendor Trash

Accessory Flux Accessory Flux

Thick Rawhide Thick Rawhide

Weapon Flux Weapon Flux

Power Shard Power Shard

Curse of Roots Curse of Roots