Asmodian Farming Location: Adamantium, Platinum and Garnet
In order to farm in this location you will first need at least 215 Gathering Skill. This location is by far the best location for you to find Platinum, Adamantium and Garnet. In about an hour you can pull out 500-600
I can't say I've found a better place to get Adamantium Ore then right here. If you're not going to use the Adamantium Ore it will also net you a pretty penny on the AH since Armorsmiths will need quite a bit of it. Below is a list of items you can find here:
Below is a video I use of the path that works best for me. You can mine in any order you'd like, I still recommend watching the video however to learn all of the Ore spawn locations.
Video of the path I use for farming Adamantium, Platinum and Garnet: