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The Barrens 16 - 16

Once in crossroads head south to "Altered Beings". Once you reach the Lushwater Oasis kill turtles until you have all 8 Altered Snapjaw Shells. Head back to Crossroads and turn in your quest. Grab the two followups and fly to Thunderbluff. In Thunderbluff Grab "Serpentbloom" from the cave on the Spirit Rise and turn in your quest. Fly to Org and hop on the Zeppelin to Underctiy.


The Sepulcher/Tarren Mill 16 - 17

Once you dock in Tirisfal, grab the Undercity flightpath if you're not Undead. Then head to the Sepulcher(1) in Silverpine Forest. Turn in both of your quests and grab the flightpath. Head south into Hillsbrad and die in the Hillsbrad Fields(2) so you can spirit rez in Tarren Mill. Grab the flightpath and hearth back to Crossroads.


The Barrens 17 - 18

Head over to WC to do your patch of quests. This includes "Smart Drinks" , "Trouble at The Docks" , "Serpentbloom" and "Deviate Hides"(2). You can get Deviate Hides from the cave above the Wailing Caverns entrance. Sometime when you're in this area kill Hezrul Bloodmark(3) for "Hezrul Bloodmark". Walk around the oasis counter clockwise and you have to run into him. Now head inside and do all of the quests. When you're done turn in "Deviate Hides" then run to Crossroads and fly to Ratchet(4). Turn in "Smart Drinks" + "Trouble At The Docks". Fly to Thunderbluff to turn in "Serpentbloom".

Return to the Crossroads and grab "Report to Kadrak". Head west and speak to Regthar Deathgate(5) to turn in "Hezrul Bloodmark". Head north to Weinkee Boltbucket(6) to refresh your quest and further north to turn in "Report to Kadrak"(7). Afterwords head east to "Nugget Slugs"(8) Also while collecting the nugget slugs do the minor escort "Ignition"(8) while you're here. Head east to "Miners Fortune"(9) when you're finished and grind here until you get the Cats Eye Emerald. Return to Ratchet when you're finished. Turn in your two quests and grab the new ones (Make sure you grab "Ziz Fizziks") and fly to Stonetalon.

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