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Why instance instead of quest?

World of Warcraft is constantly in a state of change and one of the biggest changes that added one of the biggest questions ever was the Dungeon Finder. Now everyone asks what is better to level, through instances or quests? Questing is still your answer for leveling as quickly as possible, however Instances will allow you to have some of the best gear for your level as well as almost twice the amount of gold to spend. Also instances are always good to run no matter what if it is your first time in one. The reason for this is because most instances have a set of quests at the zone in which grant almost three times the amount of XP as a normal quest.

Pretty good deal, right?

Random Dungeon Finder bonuses

If you use Random Dungeon Finder to join groups then you will receive additional bonuses such as more XP, a blue item which comes to you in a bag at the end (Called a Satchel of Helpful Goods) and also unique achievements and other daily awards. In other words, you will want to use Random Dungeon Finder at pretty much all times. It's the best bang for your buck when it comes to running instances. Also if you strictly level through instancing the little bit of gear that the Satchel of Helpful Goods give will keep you in almost all blues until max.

The Random Dungeon Finder's XP bonuses only occurs seven times a week, unless you level out of it's bracket than I think it starts over. The brackets are 1 - 60, 60 - 70, 70 - 80, and 80 - 85. Leveling through the Random Dungeon Finder will guarantee that you the best possible gear while leveling at pretty much all times. The queues for DPS are on average 6 to 10 minutes (Low end) to 15 to 30 minutes (High end). Generally all queues for DPS are under 10 minutes but at some extreme hours of the night and random times during the day when there are no Healers or Tanks the queues can get long.

One last bit of advice, if you are going to be leveling strictly through instances, you will get queues quickest as a Healer or Tank, Tank being the fastest of them all.

Instancing means more WoW Gold!

Running instances as your primary source for leveling will generate two to three times the amount of gold as just questing would! Running instances will award you with more gold because your group will be killing more mobs, which are harder and drop better loot and coin than regular mobs you would be fighting outside of instances. Also the Disenchant feature that was added later into the game allows any player with Enchanting to Disenchant an item that drops and then allow that item to be rolled on.

So, not only will you find more coin drops off of mobs, more trash items you can sell off of mobs you will also find more green items which can be Disenchanted and sold on the Auction House or just plain sold on the Auction House. Also the best part about instances is there are no special areas or locations you need to find for a chest or bonus loot. Everything is laid out right in front of you!

Instancing means more Tradeskill Materials!

On top of all the other goodies you can get from running instances this is probably the most important! The more instances you run the more Tradeskill Items you will see dropping. In an instance it is very important to loot every body looking for them. The most important Tradeskill materials are things such as cloth, (Linen, Wool, Silk, Mageweave, Runecloth, Netherweave, Frostweave, Embersilk) or other random Tradeskill Materials such as mines, herbs and even skins. If you are the only one with a gathering Tradeskill such as Mining, Herbalism or Skinning you can make bank in a single instance run just by gathering all of the nodes. (Just don't be rude and hog all of the nodes if you're not!)

Besides these few items there are plenty more, I would talk about them now but it would be easier if you just read about them in my other Instance Guides. Each individual Instance I have will talk about the rare items in there you will want to keep an eye out for!

You will always have the best gear!

Running instances to level up means you will always have some of the best if not the best possible gear for your level. With how many runs it normally takes to level up you should expect to be getting a solid amount of upgrades every level. If not from the instance itself than from the Satchel of Helpful Goods that you get when completing an instance. Either way this will net you way more gear than you could ever hope to expect from questing. Good luck and happy instancing!