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Azshara 51 - 53

Upon entering Azshara pick up the 2 quests from Loh'atu(1). For "Spiritual Unrest" you have to kill the undead(2) a tad north of Loh'atu. For "A Land Filled With Hatred" you have to kill the Satyr(3) northeast of him. Once you're done both quests return to Loh'atu and head northeast to Valormok(4). Grab the flightpath and turn in "Betrayed", Accept that followup and "Stealing Knowledge". From here head northeast to Kim'jael(5). Accept "Kim'jael Indeed!" and head south to the Thalassian Base Camp. Here you need to kill 10 Blood elf Reclaimers and 10 Surveyors. Also you need to collect The Compass, Scope, Stuffed Chicken and Wizzlegoober.

All of these items are found in Kim'Jaels Equipment Boxes scattered around the Blood Elf area. Once you finish killing all the Blood Elfs that you need, head to Magus Rimtori's Camp(6) and complete the "Betrayed" quest. Accept the followup and open the Arcane Focusing Crystals one at a time until she spawns. Kill her and loot her head. Once thats done head back to Kim'jael and refresh your quest. Now head southwest to the Ruins of Eldarath(7). Kill the nagas for some rune, while you collect the 4 Tablets. Beth'amara(Purple), Jin'yael(Blue), Markri(Green) and Sael'hai(Yellow). Once you have all 4 Tablets and the rune head back to Kim'Jael and turn in your quest.

Once you turn in your quest to him, head back to Valormok and refresh your quests. Grab all 4 of the payment quests. First up head to Sanath Lim-yo(8) who will teleport you to the ledge that Archmage Xylem's tower sits on. Turn in your payment to him and accept the followup. From here head back to Valormok and turn in your quest. Then fly To Orgrimmar and turn in "Betrayed" and "Delivery to Jes'rimon". Also do all 4 Cloth Turn ins for the Orcs and Trolls.

The orcs turn in is in the Cleft of shadows inside of the Magar's Cloth goods. Jes'rimon is at the top of Yelmak's Alchemy and Potions. Also when you refresh your quest accept "Bone-Bladed Weapons". Also the Troll Cloth Quatermaster is in the Darkbriar Lodge, in the Valley of Spirits. Once you're done the Orgrimmar turn ins head to the Inn and accept "Assisting Arch Druid Runetotem" Then head out to the Zeppelin and take it to Undercity. Once in UC head to the Apothecarium and talk to Andron Gant. Refresh your quest then head over to the Magic Quater and do your turn ins.

From Undercity take the orb to Silvermoon. In Silvermoon the Cloth Quatermaster is outside the Tailors building in the Bazaar. After you do that turn in hearth back to Crossroads. From here fly to Thunderbluff. Refresh your quest at Magatha on the Elder Rise and turn in "Assisting Arch Druid Runetotem." To the left of the hut there is a tauren that gives "Un'goro Soil". Accept the quest then head to the Leatherworking building and do your cloth turn ins.

From Thunderbluff fly to Azshara and turn in all of your quests. Then fly to Ratchet and grab "Volcanic Activity". From Ratchet fly to Tanaris and grab "Super Sticky" from Gadgetzan if you havent already. Then head west to Un'goro.

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