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Farming for Wool Cloth at Timbermaw Hold in Ashenvale

The best place in the game to farm for Wool Cloth outside of instances is at the Thistlefur Furbolgs in Ashenvale. In the far northern part of Ashenvale, just above Astranaar, you will find Timbermaw Hold. Inside and outside Timbermaw Hold you will find dozens and dozens of furbolgs, each with an exceptionally high drop rate on Wool Cloth. Another plus about these furbolgs is they are extremely squishy. If the word squishy confuses you, it means they have very low HP and are exceptionally weak to melee damage (aka low armor).

The furbolgs in Ashenvale are a great place to farm for anyone in the high twenties to low thirties. Of course you could always come here at a higher level and farm the furbolgs but by that time there would be better places for you to go which will give you more gold an hour.

Wool Cloth Farming Video:

Items of Interest:

Linen Cloth

Wool Cloth

Silk Cloth

Low Level Greens

Low Level Herbs (If you have herbalism)

Low Level Ore (If you have mining)