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Isle of Conquest Guide

The Isle of Conquest is the newest battleground that was added to WoW. It was added during patch 3.2 and is best described as an Alterac Valley with siege vehicles. Isle of Conquest's terrain is similar to Bloodmyst Isle's terrain, the Draenei starting area.

The Isle of Conquest has 5 captureable locations, the Refinery, Workshop, Docks, Hangar and Quary. When you own one of these locations they will give you a special perk, such as a buff or the ability to build a vehicle. The objective of this battleground is to destroy your enemies base and kill their commander. Players can use many different means to destroy their enemies base, such as take control of the workshop and bring it down with brute force or take the docks and launch yourself in with a catapult.


Map of Isle of Conquest

Isle of Conquest Map


Base Overview

Refinery: Gives you and your team a 15% damage increase from siege engines

Docks: Allows you and your team to comandeer catapults and glaive throwers. Catapults will allo you to launch yourself over the enemies gate. Glaive Throwers are a form of siege weapon.

Workshop: Builds 4 Siege Demolisher's and a Siege Engine for players to commandeer. Players can also grab Seaforium Bombs from the Workshop.

Hangar: Allows players to hop on a Warship and attack the enemies from up high, out of reach.

Quarry: Gives players a 15% damage increase in siege vehicles. Stacks with the Refinery.



- When you start the battleground rush the Workshop. Being able to build vehicles is crucial in this battleground.

- Without the Workshop the buff that the Quarry/Refinery gives is useless

- The Hangar does not allow you to create air planes, instead you board an air ship and can assault them from the air without getting hit.

- When the apposing team is at your gates, climb the towers and get on the turrets.

- The docks allow you to create catapults which you can use to launch yourself into the enemies base. Inside of the enemies base you will find "Huge Seaforium" which you need to pick up and place it on the outter walls to help the rest of your team enter.

- Players can get normal Seaforium at the Workshop in the center of the BG



1. When the battleground starts rush the Workshop and attempt to capture it. If you're successfull grab a siege vehicle and rush towards the enemies base. Another option would be to grab seaforium bombs as well. Once there, blast the wall until it comes down.

2. Very similar to strategy 1, rush the workshop attempt to capture if. If you're successfull follow anyone on your team to the docks and attempt to capture that. If you get the docks launch yourself over the enemies walls with the catapults you can find here. Once you're inside pick up the Large Seaforium Bombs and plant them at the door everyone is trying to get into.

Defense: If you lose the initial battle at the workshop chances are you're going to have to start by defending your base. The most important thing you will want to remember is to get on top of the turrets on the top of the towers in your base. You will be able to defend your base with up to 6 turrets. If you can't get on a turret disarm any bombs inside of the base and any bombs outside of the base.