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Nagrand Arena

Nagrand Arena was in the first batch of arenas to be implemented into WoW. It is also best known for being the most plain arena. Nagrand has four pillars, and a perfectly flat floor. The only obstacle in this arena are the pillars, which I might add can be a nuisance if someone knows how to use them.

When the arena match starts you will find yourself at the opposite side of the arena as the other team. You will have to quickly decide wether or not you'd like to rush the other team and give them no time to think or wait and form a strategy.

Nagrand Arena Map

Alright, so this is my worst picture yet, but it gets the job done. 1 indicates each of the four pillars all around the area, the blue line tells you where each team starts and the green boxes are where the stealth detection crystals spawn. The most important thing, that I can't stress enough is to make sure everyone knows the pillars by some sort of name. Wether it be pillar 1, 2, 3 and 4 or Northeast, northwest, southeast southwest.

When someone on the enemies team is heading towards the southwest pillar you can't say "Over there!" and expect the person to know what you're talking about. Even if you say "The Pillar right behind you!" If they go to the wrong pillar they may give you some bullshit excuse. Such as "Oh, I thought you meant the pillar behind me, from the way you where looking at me!." There is only one southwest pillar, they can't say "OH, I thought you meant the other southwest pillar!".



Nagrand Arena PillarPillar: This is a picture the one of the 4 pillars in Nagrand. This is the main obstacle of this arena. These pillars can be closely hugged to kite around anyone following you. To counter being kited quickly turn around and run towards your enemy when you're on the otherside of the pillar. It's important that you wait until the enemy is on the direct opposite side of the pillar before you switch direction. This way they usually won't see you until it's too late.

Nagrand Arena Stealth CrystalStealth Crystal Area: This area is where the stealth Crystals are located. On each of he two sides of the arena you will find crystals that will put a DoT on you but allow you to easily detect stealthed players.


- If you're a healer hang out by a pillar so you can run behind it if anyones attention switches to you.

- At the begining of the match if the other team is doing weird stuff across the map, like sitting down, unmounting or using mana then drinking don't run over and attack. They're trying to make you come to them.