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Lordaeron Arena

Lordaeron was the first arena added to WoW. It is best known for the unique entrance to the arena and the Crypt in the center of it. The Entrance is most commonly used to wait and lure the enemy to you. Where as the Crypt is most commonly used to kite people around and Line of Site. In addition to the Crypt you can play the Line of Site game at the graveyard to the east of the Crypt.

A lot of teams use the waiting it out strategy here, forcing the other team to make a move first. This is a very effective strategy in a 5v5 team if you have a lot of AoE. As of now there is no tactical advantage to the water that is also within this arena. When entering it your movement speed is not slowed nor does anything else happen. It is, however a wide open area.

Lordaeron Arena Map

Here is another one of my amazingly bad sketches to better explain this arena. At the top and the bottom you have the starting areas for both teams. In the center you have the Crypt which is the main landmark of this arena. Both teams will be doing battle generally around this landmark, using the Line of Site and Terrain to their advantage quite frequently.

There are two more noteable locations in this arena that you can line of site your enemies. One being the entrance wall and the other being the 3 tombstones to the east of the Crypt. These tombstones can also be used to Line of Site your enemies, however they are note as effective as the Crypt which is in the center.


The Terrain

Lordaeron Arena CryptThe Crypt: As stated earlier this is the main focus of Lordaeron Arena. The Crypt is most commonly used for Line of Siting the enemies team. You can jump up to the crypt or run up on it from etheir of the long sides, however in order to get up the short sides you are required to time your jump very well.

Lordaeron Arena EntranceEntrance: This is another one of the amazing resources available to you in Lordaeron Arena. Players are able to hide behind the left and right entry ways in the first chamber. This will force the team on the outside to make the first move, and they won't be able to determine what classes you are. The middle pillar in between the two entry ways can also be used for line of site.

Lordaeron Arena Graves

The final piece of terrain worth mentioning is the area to the east of the tome. This area has spectral ghosts floating around and 3 large tomestones that can be used to block line of site. They aren't as effective as the Crypt in the middle but can be used in a pinch to shake a long ranged class. The tome all the way over to the right of the picture is also handy to go behind and drink.



- If you're able to exit combat, mount up or sprint to the otherside of the arena and drink. The best place to do this is right behind the doorway of where you started.

- If you fear a player in this arena not only can they get stuck inside the Crypt, which will completly eliminate them. They can also run over by the little graveyard here and line of site their healers.

- The Stealth Detection Crystal in Lordaeron is located in the swampy area.