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Dalaran Sewers

The second arena that was added in WoTLK is the Dalaran Sewers. Players start out in a drainage pipe that is raised up in the arena. When the match starts, about 10 seconds later the Drainage pipe will flush, blasting you out. The Dalaran arena has an eleveated platform in the center that is out of reach for jumping. There are two entry stairways up to this platform and also two sets of boxes up here that can be used to Line of Site the enemies.

Periodically during the duration of the arena a waterfall will come down and kock everyone back that is in the center of the arena. You cannot run through this waterfall and it will block the line of site of anyone that is trying to cast at you or attack you through it. Below is my professionally drawn picture of the arena.

Dalaran Arena Map

Alright, now below ill give you a quick run down of what each number corresponds to. 1, Entry Tunnels, 2 Center where the waterfall comes down, 3 the Crates.



Dalaran Arena CratesCrates: These crates can be used to Line of Site your enemies. Players can kite around them and run behind him to dodge enemies.

Dalaran Arena WaterfallWaterfall: The Waterfall comes down in the center of the arena every once in awhile. It will knock anyone in the center back and also create a temporary wall. This means anyone on the otherside will be out of your line of site.

Dalaran Arena EntranceEntrance: This is the area where players start out in the Dalaran Arena. Players can stay in the tunnel for roughly 10 seconds after the arena starts then they are shot out by a burst of water.



- The Pipes up top will blast you out if you stay in there for too long. However, Warlocks are able to put up a portal in here that they can port back to.

- You cannot jump up onto the central platform.

- The Stealth Detection Crystals are placed in the corners of the arena