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High Thane Jorfus

High Thane Jorfus

High Thane Jorfus can be found in 3 places of Icecrown. One of them is just south of the Argent Dawn Tournament Grounds, the other by The Fleshwerks and the final one by Icecrown Citadel. Jorfus is an abnormally large Vrykul, he is pretty easy to spot but I still would suggest making a macro to find him if you have somewhat of bad eye site or are very lazy. For the macro you'll want it to say /target High thane jorfus.

High Thane Jorfus has roughly a 3 - 6 hour spawn timer. The most common place he can spawn is by The Fleshwerks, which is good because a great farming location is right near there! As with all the other elites, check all 3 locations at least once every 10 - 15 minutes for him. If you'd like to see some of the best farming locations in the game that are near by click here.

High Thane Jorfus Spawn Locations

High Thane Jorfus Spawn Locations and Video