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Dirkee is a rare elite Mecha-gnome that can be found in Stormpeaks. He has 4 different spawn locations, three of which are practically right next to each other. This will make finding him at times a whole hell of a lot easier. While waiting for Dirkee to spawn, I recommend farming some Relics of Ulduar. This will help you raise your Sons of Hodir reputation at the same time. For more farming locations head over to my farming section by clicking here.

As with all other rare elites of Northrend, Dirkee has a 3 - 6 hour spawn time. I recommend checking all 4 of his spawn locations every 10 - 15 minutes. This will give you the upper edge incase anyone else is looking for him.

Dirkee Spawn Locations

Dirkee Spawn Locations and Video