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Space Station Silicon Valley Gameshark Codes (USA)

This page contains the Gameshark codes that I have for Space Station Silicon Valley, a game for the Nintendo 64. If you are playing on a physical N64 console then you will need to purchase a physical Gameshark or Xploder device to use the codes you find on this page and website. From what I have read and seen both of these cheat devices have cross compatibility.

For those of you out there using an Emulator such as Project 64, you can typically add cheats by clicking on a tab at the top of your Emulator that will lead you to a section where you can add codes. Anyone who is using the Project 64 Emulator should check out my How to Setup Codes on Project 64 Guide for more information on how to get cheats working.

If you don't see the cheats you're looking for on this page I recommend you return to my Space Station Silicon Valley Guides and Walkthroughs page and choose a different section.


Animal Modifier Codes

Enable Levels Codes

Level Modifier Codes

Level Codes


Activator 1 P1: D03F2C72 00??

Activator 2 P1: D03F2C73 00??

Dual Activator P1: D13F2C72 ????

Have All Power Cells: 803F2D3D 000F

Debug Mode: 803F642F 0001

High Score In Evo's Escape: 813E4CEA 7FFF

0 Enemies To Kill In Big Celebration Parade: 803E4CCB 0000

Infinite Energy Mouse/Hyena: 801DFB31 0082

Red Contrast Modifier (Background): 803F2D57 00??

Green Contrast Modifier (Background): 803F2D59 00??

Blue Contrast Modifier (Background): 803F2D5B 00??

Black Out Mode: 803F2D55 FFFF

Always Snowing: 803F2D6D 0005

Always Raining: 803F2D6F 0005

Crazy-Colored World: 803F2D71 0005

High Score In Evo's Escape (Alternate-Allows To Pass Level): 813E4CEA 7FFF

Always In 2nd Camera Angle: 803F2A99 0001

Infinite Ability Sheep: 811DE9A0 0400

Infinite Ability Sheep (?): 811DE9A4 0400

Infinite Ability Mouse: 811DFCC8 0400

Infinite Boost Mouse: 811DFCC4 0400

Infinite Ability Penguin: 811E009C 0400

Infinite Ability Husky: 811DED78 0400

Infinite Ability Rabbit: 811DE5D0 0400

Infinite Ability Heli-Rabbit: 811DF14C 0400

Infinite Boost Walrus: 811DED74 0400

Infinite Boost Racing Dog: 811DF148 0400

Infinite Ability Racing Fox: 811DF8F4 0082

Infinite Boost Racing Fox: 811DF8F0 0400

Infinite Ability Fox: 811DF8F4 0400

Infinite Energy Snow Husky: 811DFF04 0082

Infinite Energy Normal Rabbit: 811DE438 0082

Infinite Energy Heli-Rabbit: 811DEFB4 0082

Infinite Energy Sheep: 811DEBE0 0082

Infinite Energy Racing Fox: 811DF7FC 0082

Infinite Energy Fox: 811DF75C 0082

Europe Texture (Levels 11, 13, 15 & 28th): 803F2D71 0000

Ice Texture (Levels 6, 7, 9, 10 & 28): 803F2D71 0001

Desert Texture (Levels 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 17 & 20): 803F2D71 0002

Jungle Texture (Levels 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 14, 15 & 17): 803F2D71 0003
Hold Start to get past the starting animation - otherwise the game will lock up

Gun Type Modifier in Asteroids Level: 803E4CF3 000?

Infinite Energy Evo (Chip): 801DE065 0082
Also tap R to refill health when you're an animal

Infinite Energy Evo (Bonus Level 1 & Final Level): 801DE439 0082

Infinite Energy Evo (Bonus Level 4): 801DEFB5 0082

Infinite Energy Ship (Asteroids Level): 803E4CDB 0003


All Levels Open

813F7DE0 0101
813F7DE2 0101
813F7DE4 0101
813F7DE6 0101
813F7DE8 0101
813F7DEA 0101
813F7DEC 0101
813F7DEE 0101
813F7DF0 0101
813F7DF2 0101
813F7DF4 0101
813F7DF6 0101
813F7DF8 0101
813F7DFA 0101
813F7DFC 0101
813F7DFE 0101


All Levels Open (GS 3.0 Or Higher Needed!)

50002001 0000
803F7DE0 0001


2 Billion+ High Score

813F2D30 007F
813F2D32 FFFF