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Lair of Terris Thule

The Fabled Terris Thule
Loot: Fabled Fearsome Midnight Cloak
Loot: Fabled Indigo Snake Bracelet
Loot: Fabled Nightmarish Bone Ring
Loot: Fabled Sable Lined Mantle

Plane of Disease

The Fabled Grummus
Loot: Fabled Bone Spiked Crusher
Loot: Fabled Diseased Ratskin Mask
Loot: Fabled Malarian Leg Ear Stud
Loot: Fabled Pus Covered Beetle Carapace

Plane of Innovation

The Fabled Manaetic Behemoth
Loot: Fabled Coil of Twisted Platinum Wire
Loot: Fabled Glowing Steel Shim
Loot: Fabled Self Contained Force Barrier

The Fabled Xanamech Nezmirthafen
Loot: Fabled Innovators Ring
Loot: Fabled Woven Shim Choker

Plane of Storms

Fabled Falto, Lord of Thunder
Loot: Fabled Carved Jetsam Short Staff
Loot: Fabled Ironbound Quarterstaff
Loot: Fabled Stout Water Repellant Boots

The Fabled Gurebk, Lord of Krendic
Loot: Fabled Earring of the Stormcloud
Loot: Fabled Enameled Giant's Finger Ring
Loot: Fabled Idol of the Tempest Storm
Loot: Fabled Writ of Karana

The Fabled Jeplak, Lord of Srerendi
Loot: Fabled Circlet the Victor
Loot: Fabled Crackling Ring of Lightning
Loot: Girdle of the Storm Giant
Loot: Fabled Raintravelers Overcloak

The Fabled Laruken the Rigid
Loot: Fabled Carved Jetsam Short Staff

The Fabled Neffiken, Lord of Kelek'Vor
Loot: Fabled Bulwark of Storms
Loot: Fabled Earring of the Raging Typhoon
Loot: Fabled Cobalt Earring