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Essence of Air Farming Locations (Classic - WotLK)

There is only a single location in the entire game for you to farm Essence of Air and that location is in the northern portion of Silithus, northwest of Cenarion Hold. Aside from this location you can use the Alchemy recipe, Transmute Water to Air which will allow you an alternative way of acquiring this essence.

Due to the fact that you can only farm the essence at this single location and that it's used in many of the best high level item profession combines, it typically sells for a lot on the Auction House. If you're thinking of farming this essence, I would recommend that you come here during the early hours of the morning. Typically between 3am - 6am server time is when it's the most dead.


In addition to the Essences of Air that you will be farming from the enemies here, players with Mining or Herbalism will net quite an extra bit of cash too! For Miners, Rich Thorium Veins spawn throughout the area as do Small Thorium and even an occasional Mithril Deposit.

Herbalists will find Mountain Silversage up on the hills pretty commonly and Dreamfoil + Golden Sansam spawning in the same area that you hunt the Air Elementals. If you ever run out of air elementals to hunt here, don't forget that you can always go north and hunt earth elementals while you wait on respawns.