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Crawler & Clam Meat in Ashenvale

Wrathtail Wave RiderSpined Crawler

This place is worth mentioning because it plays as a duplicate to the Alliance's westfall crawler farming location. This is the place where Horde will be able to collect some Crawler and Clam Meat for the lazy players who are leveling Cooking. Only here you will want to kill the nagas as well as the crabs since you have the option to get Clam or Crawler Meat. The strand crawlers will give you the crawler meat and the nagas will give you the clam meat.

As explained in the Alliance guide, make sure to check the prices of Clam Meat and Crawler Meat on your Auction House before coming out here and starting to farm. It is very important that you know the prices of both of these items so you don't come out here and waste your time. On a high pop server you will have more of a customer base which will hopefully prevent you from experiencing extremely low prices or no market. If you're playing on a low pop server there may be either no market at all for these items or it may be flooded since not as many people are leveling Cooking.

Zoram Strand Farming Location

In addition to the Clam and Crawler meat that you'll get at this location, those of you with Herbalism or Mining will be able to make a bit extra cash too. Miners will find Tin Veins as well as Copper Veins in the area and Herbalists will find Kingsblood, Bruiseweed, Stranglekelp and a few different herbs - it all depends on what spawns up here and how far inland you go.

For lower level Rogues you will be able to skill up your lock picking in this general area as well. All across the beach there are little lock boxes that you can pick depending on what your Lockpicking skill is.


Items of Interest

Crawler Meat

Clam Meat

Vendor Trash

Low level greens

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