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The Witch of the Woods - Verinas Mart & Malmalam Thicket

The Witch of the Woods Quest Start

First Available: Chapter 7
Other Requirements: Complete Mountains of Misfortune
Location: Verinas Mart in Ravatogh
Rewards: 2,500 EXP and 5 Mega Phoenix

The Witch of the Woods is the final quest from Dave in the game, you'll be able to pick it up by visiting Verinas Mart and speaking with the owner of the Diner. He will mention that Dave went into the Malmalam Thicket and no one has heard from him since (pictured above). This will give you the quest and mark a location on your map near Malmalam Thicket.

Head on over to Malmalam Thicket until you see Dave along side the path - he is near the quest marker but not directly on top of it. Speak with Dave and he'll send you to an old lady who runs the House of Hexes out front of the dungeon. Speak with her to update your quest again then go inside.

Dave By Malmalam ThicketDog Tag Location in Malmalam Thicket

You'll find the dog tag near the Royal Tomb in the back of the dungeon, it's to the left of the entrance (if you're looking at it) nearby a rock. If you're having trouble locating it then use my screenshots on this page to help out. Once you have it then return to the entrance of the dungeon (use the map) and head back to Kimya, the old hag at the House of Hexes.

Dog Tag Map Location

After speaking with Kimya all that is left is to return to Dave whom is now located at Meldacio Hunter HQ up north near Vesperpool.