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Dwarven Depths - TDS Collectibles Achievement


For this achievement you need to collect four sets of collectibles from Degmar, The Lost Castle. Two sets of collectibles appear throughout the zone as ground spawns, the other two sets are dropped from enemies. One set drops from enemies in the non-instanced version of the zone while the other set drops from enemies in Heroic Adventures.

I personally think that the collections of Degmar are some of the easier ones to complete in the TDS expansion. The whole zone is excessively small so it won't take much effort to run around and collect the ground spawns. Only some enemies here see through invis which is an added bonus too. Out of all four collection sets, I would argue the hardest by a long shot is the one that can only be found in the HAs.


Comfort in the Deep (Degmar)

These collectibles are found as ground spawns at the zone in and in the jail of Degmar. There are plenty of see invis enemies in this area - only a Rogue will safely be able to collect everything in this area. Everyone else will need to fade, evac or defeat the enemies in the area.

- Polished Coral Fragment
- Petrified Clownfish
- Aqua Patterned Throw
- Portrait of a Family
- Well Worn Pillow
- Tattered Dwarven Doll
- Smooth Worry Stone

Keep Keepsakes (Degmar)

You'll find these collectibles throughout the majority of Degmar, everywhere except the zone in, jail and armory as far as I know. Just to be more specific, the rooms you'll find these collectibles in are Beer Hall, Banquet Hall, Library, Throne room and Supply room.

- Stained Glass Sconce Piece
- Tiny Hammer of Brell
- Expert's Lost Tool
- Well Worn Mug
- Perfectly Split Wishbone
- Degmar Stamped Coin
- Gold Dipped Rose
- Library Card


Keepsakes of the Murdered (Degmar)

This set of collectibles drops from "a spectral ___" enemies throughout Degmar, The Lost Castle. The best place to farm this set of collectibles (I believe) is in the Library or Throne Room on the first floor of Degmar.

- Earpoint Cream
- Jeweled Comb
- Eye Button
- Dancing Shoe
- Gold Threaded Ribbon
- Tied Lock of Hair
- Crested Ale Mug
- Small Tooth in a Bag


Tools of the Assassins (Degmar)


These collectibles can only be found in the Degmar Heroic Adventure given to you by Priestess Glihelin. The name of this HA is called Castle Relic and the collectibles drop from enemies within the instance as well as ground spawns during the instance.

- Depleted Poison Vial
- Tripping Marbles
- Ether Coated Rag
- Bloody Hammer
- Drip String
- Exploding Log
- Blood Encrusted Hanging Rope
- Stick Ring